Hampton City Council Meeting - July 11, 2023


The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at the Hampton City Hall for the regular scheduled meeting. Present were Mayor John Knetter; Council Members Anthony Verch and Nick Russell. Also present was Brad Fisher of Bolton & Menk, Mike and Sue Ozment of 23825 Northfield Blvd, David Hanson of 23353 Water St., and Chief Deputy Dan Bianconi of the Dakota County Sheriff Department.

Regular Meeting called to Order - Mayor Knetter called the Regular Scheduled Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Disclosure of Interest – None

Approval of the June 13, 2023 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes – Motion by Verch seconded by Russell to approve the June 13, 2023 regular scheduled meeting minutes. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 3:0.

Approval of Disbursements – Motion by Verch seconded by Russell to approve the July disbursements. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 3:0.

Public Comment:

Mike and Sue Ozment were in attendance to address Council about manure that had been transported that day from the feedlot at 5420 240th St. and stockpiled on property that is adjacent to theirs at 23825 Northfield Blvd. Sue stated that the odor was awful and so were all of the flies that were attracted to the property. She said that she has lived on the property for 20 years, and the property owner has put manure on the property before, but nothing like what he was doing that day. She explained that what they were doing is putting the manure in low spots on the property and then covering it up. She was worried about excavation that was being done and potential changes in elevation of the property. Her main concern is what effect this might have on the groundwater and how that might affect her well. Mayor Knetter said that he would go take a look at the property, and would call the property owner. He asked that they call him directly if they have any concerns in the future about similar activities.

The Ozment’s asked if they could bring up another issue of concern. When they are driving on Hwy 47 and turning onto their property, they have witnessed multiple times where people have passed where there is a double yellow line on the highway, and are concerned about the potential for serious accidents because of it. They were wondering if there is something that can be done.

David Hanson, of 23533 Water St., was in attendance to address concerns that he has regarding the Dakota County Fleet Maintenance Facility that is scheduled to be built in the City. Hanson stated that he is a 29-year resident of the City, and has been an employee of Dakota County for 24 years. He is concerned about the size of the building and the volume of water that will be channeled down to Water Lane, which is already a very wet area. Brad Fisher, of Bolton & Menk, responded to the water issue, stating that there are plans to put in holding ponds to prevent water from making its way down to the Water Lane area. Another concern of Hanson’s is that there seems to be a discrepancy in the number of trucks and equipment that will be located at the facility. He believes that what Dakota County currently is anticipating for trucks and equipment to be housed at the site is higher than what was reported weeks ago. Hanson’s final concern that he wished to discuss is the volume of wastewater that will be going to the lift station, and whether or not it might eventually exceed capacity. Going one step further, Hanson stated that a lack of capacity in the wastewater system may prevent future residential building development.

Petitions, Requests, and Communications:

Schedule August meeting time to review budget – Mayor Knetter asked Council members if they felt that half an hour would be enough time to review the budget. Consensus was yes. The special meeting to review the 2024 budget will be at 6:30 pm on August 15th.

Dakota County follow-up on 06/27/23 Patrol Services Meeting – Chief Deputy Dan Bianconi, of the Dakota County Sheriff’s Department, was in attendance to review what was discussed at the meeting, and to answer any questions that Council may have. Bianconi began by stating that the Sheriff’s Department is requesting 3 additional patrol deputies, with the funding for the additional personnel to come from rural cities and townships. He stated that an analysis of what the appropriate number of patrol deputies should be was done using what is called a shift relief factor. One of the reasons for the need for additional patrol deputies is that, in the past, deputies didn’t take all of the time off that they were entitled to, but deputies are now taking the time off that is available to them. Also, the volume of calls is higher than it used to be.

Chief Deputy Bianconi continued, saying that cities that have their own police departments pay for them, along with 911 costs, and the costs of the County Sheriff Department. The 911 costs for rural municipalities are all paid by Dakota County, so that is why the County is looking for funding from the rural municipalities for the additional deputies. Mayor Knetter stated that, because of the fire department, the City of Hampton does pay for a portion of its 911 costs. Bianconi finished his review of the Patrol Services Meeting by stating that, in the rural municipalities, the 3 additional patrol deputies would cost each resident approximately $22 annually.

Mayor Knetter asked Council members if they had any questions. There were no questions. Council thanked Chief Deputy Bianconi for his presentation.

Taft Law Firm PFAS contamination litigation – Mayor Knetter referred to correspondence in meeting packets. There was brief discussion about the issue. The City of Hampton does not have an issue with PFAS in its water supply, so this is for informational purposes only.

Ordinances and Resolutions:

Resolution 2023-____(09) – Resolution Stating the Findings of Fact and Recommendation Regarding the Conditional Use Permit Amendment Request Submitted by Dakota County for Property to be Used to Build a Fleet Maintenance Facility, PID 18-00800-77-017 – Mayor Knetter stated that, while it has been several years since he has done it, he wants to table this resolution until next month’s meeting, as he feels that the full Council should be in attendance to make the decision on whether or not to pass the resolution. Councilor Verch and Councilor Russell both agreed. Brad Fisher, of Bolton & Menk, stated that there will be concern from Dakota County because of their August budget meeting, where the project was expected to be approved. Discussion. There may need to be a special meeting of the City Council prior to the August meeting to consider this issue.

Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees:

Engineer’s Report – Brad Fisher of Bolton & Menk began by reporting on the Frontage Road Turnback Agreement. An order approving the annexation has been received, so the annexation of the frontage road is now complete. The change of jurisdiction for the frontage road will take place after completion of the mill and overlay of the road, as per the agreement with MnDOT. The mill and overlay project has been rescheduled to be done at the end of the 2024 TH 52 construction season.

The second item on Fisher’s report was the LCRR lead service inventory project. The Minnesota Department of Health made their grant application available near the end of June. This grant funding will be used by the City for consultant assistance. Fisher worked with the City Clerk to get the application submitted, which will provide up to $75,000 in grant funding to pay for Bolton & Menk’s assistance to complete the inventory project.

The final item on Fisher’s report was the Dakota Maintenance Facility CUP. Because the resolution for the CUP amendment was not passed, Fisher did not report on this item.

Water / Sewer Report – Mayor Knetter reported that the scrubber media refill at the lift station was replaced. Additionally, work is on-going on well #2.

Park Report – Councilor Russell thanked Mayor Knetter for getting the tree removal done at the park. Stumps will be ground and wood chips will be used in the parks. Russell plans to order a bench for the tennis court.

Street Report – Councilor Luhring was not in attendance. Brief discussion about the potholes needing repair in the Heights of Hampton.

Unfinished Business – None

New Business - None

Adjournment – Motion Verch seconded by Russell to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 3:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy O’Brien

City Clerk